Episode #019: Know and Leverage YOUR Creative Superpower for Growth & Joy with Sarah Thurber

Do you ever find yourself drained while doing certain tasks in your business? Or realize after the fact you solved the wrong problem and subsequently wasted a lot of time and money doing so? Maybe you just sense there is something missing in your business, and you can’t quite put your finger on what it is. If any of this happens to you, this conversation with Sarah Thurber, Managing Partner at FourSight, is for you. Sarah and I explore the importance of knowing your creative super power and why having a range of diverse thinkers on your team is critical to any entrepreneur.



  • Creativity is essential to bring something new into the world

  • The importance of knowing your approach to creativity and how to leverage it

  • Why you are avoiding getting some tasks done in your business or never get them off your ‘to do’ list

  • Your ‘style’ of thinking shapes where you engage and get energy in your business

  • The dangers of surrounding yourself only with people like you

  • Why collaborating with some people can be a painful experience and how to transform that

  • Key building blocks to build your team’s effectiveness, efficiency and focus

  • The difference between active diversity and passive diversity and why active diversity is the only way to go





Sarah Thurber is an author, speaker and researcher on the subject of training creative thinking and problem solving. Since 2010, she has been Managing Partner of FourSight, a global innovation company that develops research-based tools, assessments and training designs to enhance innovation, collaboration and team performance. Sarah is a coauthor of “The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker” “Creativity Unbound” and “Facilitation: A Door to Creative Leadership,” all of which have been translated into multiple languages.

Winner of the Alumni Achievement award from the International Center for Studies in Creativity, Sarah creates partnership with academic researchers, creativity practitioners and technologists to develop cutting edge creativity courses, online tools and assessments. With her team, Sarah has spearheaded the commercialization of the FourSight Thinking Profile, used by top companies and universities, including Nike, IBM, BBC, HP, Disney, Pfizer, Harvard and MIT. With her Danish colleague Dorte Nielsen, Sarah developed the visual FourSight model for creative process, which has been adapted by the Center for Creative Leadership and the Creative Education Foundation. She has a master of science in Creativity and Change Leadership from the International Center for Studies in Creativity, part of the SUNY system.

Sarah lives in Evanston, Illinois, with her husband and 3 kids and enjoys a 283-step commute to work.



Episode #020: Transforming Your Business to Transform Your Industry with Lisa Rafter


Episode #018: Bootstrap Your Business with Ilana Ben-Ari